Association of Botanical Gardens of Romania
The Association of Romanian Gardens was established in 2000 (in the frame of a TEMPUS PAHARE JOINT EUROPEAN Project), as an organization of scientific research and education, a non-governmental, non-benefit and non-political structure, which include nine botanical gardens from Romania, spread all over the country. Seven of the AGBR members, are universitary botanic gardens and two belongs to local administration.
Members of the Association are:
- Botanical Garden “Alexandru Borza” of University “Babeş-Bolyai” from Cluj-Napoca
- Botanical Garden “Dimitrie Brandza” of University of Bucharest
- Botanical Garden “Anastasie Fătu” of University “A. I. Cuza” from Iaşi
- Botanical Garden of University of Craiova
- Botanical Garden of Natural Sciences Museum Complex of Galaţi
- Botanical Garden of the Biological Researches Institute of Jibou
- Botanical Garden of University “Vasile Goldiş” from Arad
- Botanical Garden of University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Târgu-Mureş
- Botanical Garden of Children Centre of Tulcea
Botanical gardens from Romania have a significant humane scientific resource, a lot of specialists in phytodiversity evaluation, protection and conservation, which wanted to contribute with their knowledge and experience to the project implementation. At the same time, AGBR disseminated information about the HABIT-CHANGE project and its results to its members.
Association of Romanian Botanic
Gardens Şos. Cotroceni nr. 32
Sector 6, O.P. 35, Cod 76258, ROMANIA
Tel/Fax: 40 – 21 – 3181559
Ms Anca Sârbu