Körös-Maros National Park
The operational area of the National Park is 800 000 hectares. Its area includes all the territory of Békés County, the area of Csongrád County located to the East of river Tisza, the Dévaványa-Ecsegi steppes as well as the parts of Körös flood-plains in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County.Besides the maintenance and development of the National Park, its task is the supervision and control on its operational area.The magnificent landscape is characterized by diversified and unique natural scenery of the uncontrolled countryside. The Csanádi and Békési plateaus that stretch between the rivers Körös and Maros. Owing to the considerable agricultural development, the protection of the still existing natural plant communities, first of all, that of the loess fields is an outstanding challenge of nature protection. On the vast areas of the erstwhile Kis-Sárrét, in the region covered by the meandering branches of river Körös and on the Dévaványai -, Békési and Csanádi plains there are spacious sodic steppes, remnants of wooded grasslands and marshlands as well as meadows and groves of extraordinary value.