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CEU course on Adaptation Governance

application deadline March 1, 2013


The CEU Summer University is inviting applications for the course

 Adaptation Governance: Spatial, Temporal, and Cultural Constraints and Opportunities

(26 June - 4 July, 2013)


At a time of well-documented, unavoidable and continuing global change adaptation has become a key concept in environmental and related social sciences, and also in policy processes on a variety of scales. Many sectors, such as forestry, biodiversity conservation, water management, agriculture, infrastructure development need information about the current state and future direction of ecosystem conditions, potential ecosystem-based adaptations, and relevant policies and governance mechanisms enabling such adaptations. This is a field of research and practice on the boundary of natural, social and policy sciences where ecosystem complexity meets the complexity of social systems. The challenge of such collaborations and policy development require not only navigating through complex issues with high levels of uncertainty in physical and ecological processes, but also accounting for the diversity of potential human choices and decisions of multiple stakeholders. Spatial, temporal and cultural issues are, arguably, the most difficult to account for and to manage, and they only add to the overall complexity.

Target group: Applications are invited from PhD students and young university teachers / researchers.

Further information at: