With the Dresden Declaration the UNESCO calls upon its member states to better use the experiences of UNESCO biosphere reserves in the fight against climate change. It is emphasised that Biosphere reserves are an effective instrument for mitigating climate change and serve as models for adaptation to the impacts of this change. The declaration considers measures on different levels. E.g. at policy level in the Member States the Dresden Declaration calls for “support of problem-oriented, interdisciplinary and applied research, monitoring and evaluation, including traditional knowledge, in relation to climate change and its impacts on biosphere reserves, and incorporate the outcomes of these activities into national and international research programmes and projects.” At practical level in the biosphere reserves the declaration calls for an intensification of “efforts to develop innovative approaches for climate change mitigation and adaptation (including financing models), implement these approaches, adapt management plans accordingly and integrate these with existing sustainable development approaches, and use these to strengthen the regions.”
HABIT-CHANGE acknowledges these measures and provides first steps to fulfil the Dresden Declaration.
Further Information can be found at http://www.mab40-conference.org/index.php?id=360&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=99&cHash=a8046a377339f3ed65ab666d6b4a2dc9
The full text of the declaration can be found at http://www.mab40-conference.org/index.php?id=360&L=0&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=87&cHash=8966782d4bea1a4b196a8313cc24911c