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PhD Research Assistant position in MS MONINA

The TU Berlin is offering a part-time position

The European research project MS.Monina ( aims to develop remote sensing-based methods of monitoring NATURA 2000 habitats following a pan-European, multi-scale approach addressing the specific requirements on different (administrative) levels for reporting about the status of biodiversity. Thereby MS.Monina is reflecting the specifics and the variety of habitats in the different biogeographical regions. The Geoinformatics section of the TU Berlin is involved in the work package, deriving geometric and semantic interoperability tools for three different test cases and applied scales in Germany, Belgium, and Greece for NATURA 2000 indicators. Moreover, the spatial modelling of potential habitats at the biogeographical level is part of the project tasks.

• Development of scale-dependent ontologies for the three test cases in accordance with pre-defined NATURA 2000 indicator sets, including the transfer between test cases.
• Development of a geometric and semantic interoperability tool
• investigating the possible up-and downscaling of the test classes
• spatial modelling of potential habitats at the biogeographical level with pre-defined European geodata-sets
• Dissemination of methods and results at conferences and in scientific journals


for more information see this factsheet (pdf, 0.1 MB)